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Butterfly - Image 1


So, i’m an underage kid with a lot of dreams.

I sometimes get bullied for being a little overweight. My hobbies are finnish baseball, scouting and esports.

I had for many years a shitty notebook witch would start by praying. I always was hoping for a chance to get a proper PC to run all the games i was good or decent at.

Throwback to 3 years ago. As a kid, i didn’t and couldn’t get any money by working. Until that year. My parents started to understand me and gave me a lot of hard work. I wasn’t working just to them but also my other relatives and neigbours.

I just worked, worked and did research on building a PC

I bought every part through 3 years. I played 1,5 years with everything else but the PC. I got much better and completely stopped console playing. I still had my notebook but the monitor and periphirals were boosting my skill level.

Then in 2018 autumn i decided to buy the parts. My case glass was broken so i had to return that. But when i got to build it finally and booting it for the first time ever, i honestly cried. I was so happy that through the support of my family, friends and others who know me i got my dream come true.

i still learn English and English isn’t my first language so sorry for grammar


Love it


  • Keep going buddy! Dream big and work hard and you’ll get there one day.
    A great setup you’ve got there, I hope you still enjoy it as much as on the first day.

    By Tom Taylor April 4, 2019 at 1:28 pm
  • Keep working hard! Congratulations on your first build.

    By TomClav (Guest) April 5, 2019 at 2:17 pm

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